
The fourth edition of the International Conference “Art, Illustration and Visual Culture in Preschool and Primary Education. Critical mediation inside and outside school” seeks to observe the kind of processes that mediation generates and offer the opportunity to explore the territory of the relationships that can be established between artistic institutions, editorial proposals and educational institutions.

The invited speakers will present and problematize collaborative projects in which mediation eases the work of different groups. Specifically they will address the reflection on what connections, problems, limits and potentialities are given in these collaborative projects and how this connects with the artistic practice.

Thus, the proposal of the speakers is divided into three thematic blocks (Institution / Illustration / School) transversally linked to the conception of critical mediation.

The invited talks will be 45 minutes and afterwards the local speakers will make a brief presentation and will start a dialogue with the guest speaker that immediately after will be opened to the public.