

The participation at the conference will be in-person or online; the participants will choose either one or the other when registering at the conference. To take part in these meetings those interested will need to follow the next steps:

  1. Sending of papers, for those who want to share their studies at the work-groups (both in-person and online). The template for the writing up of the text has to be downloaded here. The summary must include some key ideas and questions that want to be discussed in group (the organization will group the proposals of the participants in panel discussions according to their common points and similarities in the studies and the questions/key ideas that they deal with). The papers will go through a double-blind peer review evaluation.
  2. Selection of workshop to participate in it (in-person, there will be a maximum capacity for each workshop). They will be implemented in the afternoon.

The conference will result in the publication (with ISBN) of the presented papers. We are pursuing the publication of the better assessed papers by the scientific committee in a well recognized academic journal.


  • Submission of full paper by the participants: November 2nd, 2016 to January 15th, 2017 (extended to February 15th).
  • Papers are accepted in Basque, English, Portuguese and Spanish.



  1. POLITICS of mediation in art, illustration and childhood
  • Politics of children’s access to art in the contemporary culture.
  • The role of art institutions and the illustration field in children’s training.
  • Relations and dynamic of interaction among art institutions, children’s illustration field and educational institutions.
  • Educational departments of museums and art institutions: professional, organizational and programmatical issues.
  • Illustration and visual culture in the 21st century, new challenges.
  1. MODELS of mediation and didactic strategies: a critical view
  • Pedagogical perspectives and didactic strategies in museums and art institutions.
  • Conceptions, topics and individual of educational mediation in art institutions, artistic and curatorial practices and creation of children’s images.
  • Connections in art, visual culture and illustration in the processes of children’s educational mediation.
  1. EXPERIENCES and PRACTICES of educational mediation in art, visual culture and illustrated publications for children
  • Connection among artists, illustrators and educators in children’s educational mediation.
  • Illustration and children’s drawing as a way to develop pre-school and primary changing educational projects.
  • Assessment and results of mediation processes in art and visual culture.